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Work Wellness into Your Overall Budget December 27, 2022

Mental wellness should always be a priority for everyone, and this means budgeting for it!

Taking care of our mental and physical health can cost money and should be part of your overall budget. Things like therapy, exercise classes or gym memberships, a nutritionist, yoga or meditation programs, vitamins and supplements, and so much more, are important for overall physical and mental health. Investing in health now is investing in a healthier future for you tomorrow.

However, the cost of staying well does not need to be extravagant or fancy. Often, it is free. But, there are moments when you may need, want or should spend the money for the benefit of your mental wellbeing. Below are some helpful tips:

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Put an “I Want” List Together

Write a list of everything you would want to do if money wasn’t an issue – regarding your wellness. Whether it’s taking a dance class, getting a massage, or reading a book, write it all down.  Then, write down the cost of each wish item. Once completed, prioritize the items that you enjoy the most and would be willing to budget.

Find ways to cut back

Think strategically on ways to make money or cut back on spending. Maybe it’s combining one less delivery meal order with selling clothes you never wear? It could be depositing a certain amount from each paycheck into a special account designated for health and wellness.

There are always free or low-cost things to do. Many community programs offer no cost or low-cost opportunities for wellness. Search on Google, Eventbrite, and Facebook to see where freebies may be hiding in your neighborhood. Also, reach out to your community recreation center.

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Create a Plan

Create a four-week plan that holds you accountable. It’s helpful to work with a friend or family member who can support you and maybe even join you on your activities. Plan together and hold each other accountable with check-ins.

Ask for Specific Wellness Gifts

It’s okay to encourage your friends and loved ones to help you reach your wellness goals. If someone asks what you would like as a gift, consider asking for a gift subscription to a wellness service or gift cards where you can purchase items, like fitness gear.

Overall, by fitting wellness into your budget, you are more likely to reach your wellness goals. Plus, by budgeting, you will mostly likely reach your financial goals too.

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