This is the list of fees and charges that may be assessed to your account for various services. This fee schedule is effective as of 8/1/2024

Fee Schedule - Personal Accounts
Account Closure
  • Voluntary: $10.00 if closed by member within 6 months of account opening.
  • Involuntary account closure: $20.00 for balances under $50.00, $30.00 for balances $50.00 - $99.00, $40.00 for balances $100 and over
ACH/Check Stop Payment $30.00 (Check Stop Payments may be done at no charge within online banking.)
Bad Address (monthly fee) $10.00
Checking Accounts
  • Premier Checking: $10 monthly if daily balance is below $1,500.
  • Benefits Checking: $6.95 monthly fee
  • Student Checking: $2.00 monthly statement fee if not enrolled in eStatements
Courtesy Payment $29.00 (maximum total of 3 Courtesy Payment and Held Funds Paid Fees Per Day)
Early Closing of Club Account $20.00
Force Posted NSF Fee $29.00
Foreign ATM Fee $1.50 on non-Nymeo, non-Allpoint or non-CO-OP ATMs.
Held Funds Paid Fee $29.00 (maximum total of 3 Courtesy Payment and Held Funds Paid Fees Per Day)
Inactive Account Fee
  • If over $50.00, fee is $5.00 quarterly after 12 months of inactivity
  • If under $50.00, fee is $2.50 quarterly after 12 months of inactivity
Insufficient Funds /Return Item Fee $29 per presentment
Money Market Account 6 free per month; $20.00 each additional
Non-Verifiable ATM Deposit $30.00
Processing a Garnishment, Court Order or Tax Levy $100.00
Returned Deposit Item (3rd Party) $15.00
Return Deposit Item (Regular) $30.00
Standard Check Printing Prices vary by quantity, style and design
Statement Copies $5.00 per month per copy
Wire Transfer (Outgoing) $25
International Wire Transfer Fee: $35


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