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Last Minute Holiday Shopping Tips December 20, 2022

The clock is ticking down, and maybe you are running out of time to buy a gift(s) for that special person. Here are tips for last minute holiday shopping.

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Keep an Eye on Online Deals


The best way to efficiently shop for presents is to check availability and prices online. It's terrible to go inside stores and receive the bad news that it is out of stock. If you don't want to wait for shipping times, check if you can pick-up in store.

Visit Brick & Mortar Stores

Not all deals are advertised in store ads or online. Sometimes stepping into the store is the only way you can find the perfect gift at a great price. Stores, especially small businesses, will often randomly put things on sale or clearance to reduce their inventory to make room for more popular items.

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Gift Won’t Arrive on Time?

If you can find the item online but it won't ship in time, print out the receipt and a photo to give to them. It will at least show that you had the perfect gift planned but ran out of time.

Consider Experiences Over Gifts

Studies show experiences are more memorable than gifts. Book a ticket for a theatrical performance or to a future day at an amusement park or even to the movie theatre. They will have the initial happiness of receiving a gift and something to look forward to.

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Gift Cards

Gift cards are a procrastinator’s best friend. It's also useful for people that are difficult to find gifts for. Gift cards get a bad rap but saves everyone from the awkward experience of a last-minute gift found at a convenience store.  

Cash is King

If you run out of time, cash is always a welcome gift – especially if the person is younger than you. Children also appreciate cash and can be a way to help them start a journey to understanding savings and spending. Maybe if you have time, you could include an old-fashioned piggy bank or wallet.

Holiday shopping and spending shouldn’t bring you stress. No matter what you decide to purchase for your special person(s), remember in the end, spending extra time with your loved ones and creating treasured memories are the most important gifts you can offer this holiday season.

Happy Holidays!

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