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Health Benefits of Gratitude November 22, 2022

Gratitude has been shown to impact our emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Studies have shown it can make us feel more optimistic and less aggravated.

Health Benefits of Gratitude

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Alleviates Aches and Pain


More than ever, science is discovering a strong link between the mind and body. How we think directly influences how we experience sensations, including pain.

A study published in the journal, Personality and Individual Differences, found that people who are grateful report feeling healthier than less grateful people. This could be because grateful people tend to exercise more, eat better, and make time for annual health checkups.  

Sleep Better

Many people toss and turn at night. However, studies find that being grateful and thankful can improve your sleep. Adequate sleep is critical for mental and physical health. In one study, two psychologists asked a group of people to make lists of the things they were thankful for each night. In just three weeks, the study participants said their sleep had improved!

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Improve Mental Wellbeing

Being thankful offers you a host of psychological benefits. Studies show being grateful can improve relationships, ease depression, and enhance empathy.

In one study, participants wrote thank-you notes and reported significantly better mental health after consistently writing them. And remarkably, when the scientists put some of the study participants in an MRI scanner three months later, they noticed “greater activation in the medial prefrontal cortex” among the letter-writing group.

Improves Money Management

As surprising as it may seem, being grateful can help improve your money management skills. Often, when people are thankful, they do not possess the need for material things or unnecessary items. Being envious of what others have leads to purchasing things you don’t need -- and going over budgets. Grateful people tend to be happier about experiences and live in the moment.

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We Are Grateful

This year, our credit union was named Best of the Best Credit Union for the 7th time and one of the Best Places to Work by American Banker. We are only the best because we have the best – the best staff, volunteer Board of Directors, members, and a wonderful community. We thank each of you and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!  

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