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Effective Ways to Make Resolutions Stick January 11, 2022

Approximately 92% of New Year’s Resolutions end in failure. Most have good intentions in January but will later join the ever-growing number of people who will give-up on their resolutions before the year ends.

Here are a few tips on how to keep your 2022 resolution:

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Write your goal down

The act of writing a goal down reminds you and helps you stay on track. This helps formalize your idea into a decision and commitment. In doing this, you are 42% more likely to achieve your goal.

Make reachable goals

Instead of trying to reach the end goal, create smaller goals. Breaking your goal down with progress checks makes it more manageable.

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Create accountability coaches

Reminders, on your phone or small notes to yourself, help you stay accountable! If it is difficult holding yourself accountable, ask friends and family or even online groups to support you. Sharing your goals and your progress with the public helps to keep you focused since others are rooting for you.

Be focused and specific

It is easier to work toward something if you are specific with the goal. For instance, if you want to lose weight, have a goal weight or percentage in mind. This is the same thing for savings. It is easier to save when you have a specific amount in mind or even a reason.

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Give yourself a break

If you have reached a smaller goal or your overall goal, make sure to reward yourself. Do something nice, even if it means bragging about your accomplishment to others.

Don not give up or beat yourself up

We all make mistakes. If you slip up, don’t give up on your resolution. Be your biggest fan, stay positive, and get back on track to reaching your goals. You can do it!

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Effective Ways to Make Resolutions Stick

Approximately 92% of New Year’s Resolutions end in failure. Most have good intentions in January but will later join the ever-growing number of people who will give-up on their resolutions before the year ends.



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