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Importance of ShredBy Nymeo May 10, 2022

Top Reasons You Should Shred

If you ever thought shredding was a waste of time, below are 4 reasons why you should do this at least once a year.


Prevent Identity Theft and Fraud

There are many ways to prevent this theft, one of them being shredding important documents. When you take the time to shred, you are decreasing the opportunity for crime to occur.

Helps The Planet

Using paper is still common but now with the access to pretty much anything you need online it is easier to save that paper. By shredding paper around your office or home, forests can be preserved. The paper strips are then recycled and reused to make paper towels and other items!


Declutters Your Space

Organize your life by decluttering your space. Shredding unnecessary paper in old boxes and stacked throughout the house helps to keep you on track and focused on the important things in life.

What to Shred

A good test whether to shred a document is if it includes any of the following information below.

ID card

Full Name and/or Address

Your full name and address may be all that is needed by the fraudsters to commit a crime.

Social Security Number

Sometimes you may have information with the last four digits and think it’s safe to toss in the garbage. These digits with your name and address are a thief’s dream come true.


Account Numbers

Whether the account number comes from your credit union, bank credit card, cable subscription, store account or utility bill, it could compromise your security.

It may sound excessive but every bill or statement you get in the mail needs to be shredded. This is one of the main reasons why you should consider signing up for paperless billing and statements. Not only is it better for the environment, but it is more secure.


Sounds like old school, but if you have a document with a signature, shred it. This means receipts too. The exception is if you’re paying cash. In that case, there is likely no information about you on the receipt.


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Top Reasons You Should Shred

If you ever thought shredding was a waste of time, below are 4 reasons why you should do this at least once a year.



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