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The Importance of Shredding June 25, 2024

In today’s digital age, protecting your personal information is more important than ever. While many of us focus on securing our online data, it’s equally crucial to safeguard our physical documents. One of the best ways to do this is through shredding. Here’s why shredding is essential and details about our upcoming Free Shred Day event.

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Why Shredding is Still Important

  1. Protects Against Identity Theft
    Identity theft is a growing concern. Thieves can use information from discarded documents to steal your identity, open accounts in your name, and cause significant financial and personal harm. Shredding sensitive documents helps prevent this by ensuring that your personal information cannot be easily retrieved.
  2. Ensures Compliance with Privacy Laws
    For businesses, proper disposal of documents is not simply good practice; it’s often a legal requirement. Various privacy laws mandate the secure destruction of sensitive information to protect clients and employees. Shredding helps you comply with these regulations and avoid potential fines.
  3. Reduces Clutter and Organizes Space
    Over time, it’s easy to accumulate piles of old documents, bills, and paperwork. Shredding unnecessary documents not only protects your information but also helps declutter your home or office, making it a more organized and efficient space.
  4. Environmentally Friendly
    Shredded paper is often recycled, helping to reduce waste and conserve resources. By shredding and recycling your documents, you’re contributing to a healthier environment.

What to Shred

  • Old Bank Statements and Financial Records
    After a certain period, these documents should be shredded to protect your financial information.
  • Credit Card and Utility Bills
    These contain personal information that could be used for fraudulent activities.
  • Medical Records and Prescription Labels
    Protect your health information from being misused.
  • Junk Mail
    Even junk mail can contain personal information and should be shredded.
  • Expired IDs and Credit Cards
    Identity thieves can use these items if not disposed of properly.
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Attend Our Free Shred Day Event

To help our members protect their personal information, we are hosting a Free Shred Day event. This is a perfect opportunity to safely dispose of your sensitive documents at no cost.

Event Details

  • Date Saturday, June 29th, 2024
  • Time 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • Location Montgomery Village Apple Ridge Rec Area, 10101 Apple Ridge Road, Montgomery Village, MD
  • Limit Up to 3 boxes of documents per person

In addition to shredding services, we are accepting donations for the Montgomery County Humane Society. Your generous contributions will support their efforts in caring for and finding homes for animals in need.

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How to Prepare for Our Shred Day

  • Support and Organize
    Go through your documents and set aside items that need to be shredded. Do not shred newspapers, magazines, media like CDs or tapes, 3-ring binders, heavy metals and plastics, carbon, cardboard, and trash. You can include paper clips, staples, rubber bands, and even binder clips.
  • Transport
    Use sturdy boxes or bags to transport your documents to the shred event. Remember, the limit is up to 3 boxes per person.
  • Donate
    If you’re able, bring a donation for the Montgomery County Humane Society to support a great cause while protecting your personal information.

By participating in our Free Shred Day, you're taking a significant step in protecting your identity, complying with privacy laws, and contributing to a cleaner environment. Plus, your donations will make a positive impact on the lives of animals in our community.

Mark your calendar and join us on June 29th to dispose of your sensitive documents safely and securely. See you there!

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