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The Buy & Do Not Buy List for Black Friday November 1, 2022

It’s November, and that means Thanksgiving and the infamous Black Friday shopping! With inflation, you may have been scooping up deals earlier this year. If you are still shopping or haven’t started, here are a few things to consider before shopping on Black Friday this year. 

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Great Buys

This never changes. Black Friday is a hot time to buy TVs, laptops, Apple products, tablets, speakers, and more. The iPhone 14 is a hot item this year, so look for deals during Black Friday.

Gaming Systems
Same as electronics, you can get deals during Black Friday. Look for savings from retailers like Best Buy, Walmart, and GameStop. Also, take advantage of gaming bundles for even bigger savings.

Home Appliances
Do you need a new appliance such as a dryer or refrigerator? This is the time to consider purchasing one. Smaller appliances like coffee makers, toasters, and vacuum cleaners will have great sale prices too.

Consider Skipping These

You will find good prices on toys but maybe wait until closer to Christmas for even better deals? However, if you do wait, keep in mind that you run the risk of a hot toy going out of stock. If you don’t care about buying trendy toys, then wait until later in December for better sales.

Winter Clothes
It’s always best to purchase clothes off season. One exception is women’s boots, which are sometimes featured in doorbuster and special sales. If you are in the need for a new coat, you may want to wait until the new year when stores will start bringing in items for warmer weather. They’ll need to clear out big winter coats to make room for spring clothes.

Holiday Decorations
No question about it, the holidays are the worse time to buy holiday décor. However, if you want fall décor, wait until after Thanksgiving, and of course, the same goes for Christmas. It will pay off and the décor will still look great next year! Both craft stores and big-box stores are likely to have the best deals.

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Shop Local and Support Local

This holiday season, consider shopping at a small business. Small businesses often sell unique items that may not be available at larger stores or online. Our credit union is making shopping local extra fun with a sweepstakes for members with a Nymeo debit card. Find out more: Shop Local, Swipe Local, Win Local - Nymeo Federal Credit Union.


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